Doddering old baseball sped up. Why not the Academy Awards™ telecast, too? WRITTEN™ & ILLUSTRATED™ by PETER™ MOORE™
What! No mention lobster rolls available at some baseball parks or Wolfgang Puck delights at Oscar post-parties?!?!
I feel like Rule #2 might explain that weird year when Jack Palance won for City Slickers - he just elbowed all the other competitors into the orchestra pit, then proceeded to do push-ups on stage as a flex.
Amazing that more haven’t tried the elbow-em-out technique.
What! No mention lobster rolls available at some baseball parks or Wolfgang Puck delights at Oscar post-parties?!?!
I feel like Rule #2 might explain that weird year when Jack Palance won for City Slickers - he just elbowed all the other competitors into the orchestra pit, then proceeded to do push-ups on stage as a flex.
Amazing that more haven’t tried the elbow-em-out technique.