Thx for total permission to do whatever I like! I’m seriously torn, because I love the interaction of twice-weekly posting, but it’s also time I wrote another book, which is what I ought to be doing right now. What to do???? Thx helping me figure it out.

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Write the book, please! 😁

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Yeah write a book you lazy bum!

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Ha. THAT’S your first ever comment on my substack? Ok I’ll write the next book!

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Wow, harsh, man!

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It’s ok. He’s a teddy bear IRL.

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Ah, so it was more like a (not so) gentle kick in the right direction, then?

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John and I both appreciate a kick in the butt, when needed. Motivation!

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There was no option for 'all of the above' on question 3 - I love all Road2Elsewhere subject matter!

Thank you for the smiles and food for thought you serve me up with in every post, Peter. Brilliant work!

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Whoa. I could retire on that comment! But I won’t. Mustn’t disappoint Rebecca!

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More about food & drink!

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Ha. I might have guessed that one!

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Peter: Your survey is flawed. The responses do not cover all possible options, and also, only allows respondents to select ONE answer, when they could be ranked to give you more information. I will send you and email with my responses.

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Hey Tom! Thx for the commentary. I should’ve been more dogged in my research methods. Next time I’ll run it past you before I hit send! I’m on the horns of a dilemma: I love to post here, but I also know that I need to move on to my next book project. I was basically fishing for permission to post once a week rather than twice, to free some mental space/creative time. But I guess I only need permission from myself to do that. Another flaw in my research method: I should have been interviewing myself.

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What is the name of your first book Peter? I’m too lazy to look it up, but once I know, I will check my library tres vite!

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Oh thanks Debbie. It’s actually my first UNPUBLISHED book. I’m still looking for an agent and then a publisher, so it’s a long way from your library unfortunately. But if we all live long enough, who knows? All of the substack posts that begin R2E#XXX are excerpts from that hoped-for debut book! That’s even closer than your library! It here, now!

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I agree with Rebecca. I wanted an all of the above choice for question 3. I thought it was multi-selection and selected the first one accidentally. I am fine with you posting whenever you feel like it.

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Thx Peter! It was my very first poll, as noted. I’ll ask better questions next time. But so grateful for the response!

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Oh my lord, I can't believe Sarah Palin said that.... actually I can, unfortunately.

I voted for twice weekly, but really whatever you want to post is fine. Once weekly would be okay, too, and would be easier on you...

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Sadly, I have no claim to fame in the publishing world, except a deep desire to have held a Jackie O position as editor in New York … yet as you mentioned, who knows what’s around the corner? I’m shooting for that extra five bucks myself. Chin up, heigh ho ‼️

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On question 3, I would have answered "all."

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Favorite posts? I love all of them, but I relate to your memories of first travelling in Europe, 'cuz I did that, too.

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