Oh golly me, I was on the edge of my seat throughout! Great - albeit terrifying - post! Off to check my batteries RIGHT NOW.

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I might have saved your life! And glad I did!

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Yup! And so am I…!

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Wow. Glad this had a happy ending and I hope nobody was in that basement apartment!

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If the ending had been sad I wouldn’t have been around to write it! Yikes.

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A neighbor couple where we used to live were hospitalized by exposure to carbon monoxide. I don't remember if they'd ignored an alarm or what.

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Important post. And made me laugh, as always, though it could have turned out otherwise.

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Thanks so much Diana! Serious laughter? I’ll take it! Also glad to be alive, still.

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Peter, I'm frankly astonished that you would ignore that alarm! Glad you learned your lesson. Also--if I may be yet more annoying--a female engaged person is a fiancée. Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

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So many false alarms! Oh well. At least my stupidity may benefit R2E readers. The lucky bit was the downstairs residents being away. They might not have survived that night. Scary.

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And thx for noting my French-gendered-noun problem. That’s even MORE shocking! C’est affreux! Now: fixeed.

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Wow! Why haven’t I heard of this before? Scary deal. Wonder how your son would have handled it.

Glad you’re still around!

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It was a crazy night! Glad we made it through!

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What's on the menu for Turkey Day?

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We’ve been invited to the home of our younger son’s fiancé, which will be a blowout with 30 people at least. A very Friendsgiving event! Claire is making her signature cranberry/orange relish, which wakes everybody up after they eat too much turkey and gravy. How about you?

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Sara does a mean cranberry relish every year, which we eat over and over, until it grows a nasty moldy top, which it did recently and I only discovered that when I opened it a week ago, making the arrival of today’s new batch, that I greeted almost as warmly as a new granddaughter would be, almost. On a distantly related matter, I once learned that fiancé comes in two flavors, that’s one, the other is fiancée. If you’re dining with your son, one is a touch different than dining with the other, just sayin’.

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