Mar 26·edited Mar 26Liked by Peter Moore

The part about not knowing where Edmonton is made me smile. I had a buddy in high school who was convinced that his beloved New York Islanders were contesting the Stanley Cup finals in the early 80s against the Edmonton Oilers down in Texas, because, I guess, they must be from around the same place as the Houston Oilers. How old am I that I can remember the Houston Oilers, and also the New York Islanders being good?

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Mar 24Liked by Peter Moore

Whilst I enjoy some sports, having just watched the Worlds Figure Skating Championships in Montreal, I must say I now believe figure skaters are the best athletes on the planet, period. Canada won gold in pairs, with the lady being almost 40 years old (‼️), almost UNHEARD of across ALL professional sports, in ALL of sports history. Gold at 40, and believe me, that sport requires unbelievable balance (it is on skates after all), strength and agility (he literally throws her horizontally in the air to twist herself three times before landing back-hopefully into his arms, a feat of incredible athleticism. I’m just so impressed. What do you think Peter?

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Mar 24Liked by Peter Moore

I could hear your voice in my head whilst reading this! Go, Team Peter!!

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Mar 24Liked by Peter Moore

I think this is why I enjoy watching the Amazing Race! I love seeing them overcome tasks and there are a ton of winners every episode!

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