Mother Nature Throws a Wicked Curveball
Or maybe it was a slider? WRITTEN & ILLUSTRATED BY PETER MOORE
THE WINDOWS LOOKED suspiciously bright here in Colorado this morning. When I pulled up the shades, I saw a world transformed, brightened with 3” of new snow. My weather apps had been silent on Mother Nature’s intentions, but she reared back and tossed a snowstorm at us, anyway.
That’s the weather in Rockies for you: It has a mischievous sense of humor, as I informed my Colorado Sun readers.
I’m not sure the tulips found it funny, though.
The red buds jumped the gun, as well.
Our spring Robin was unperturbed. We have a heated birdbath, so it was more like a jacuzzi once she started flapping her wings.
Her avian neighbor, the killdeer, was perplexed.
The crabapple’s buds remained tightly closed. It had procrastinated a bit. Sometimes that works.
"There are only two seasons ― winter and baseball." ― Bill Veeck
What is your weirdest spring-snowstorm story? See if you can beat the May 17th when we arrived in Colorado, along with our moving truck, and 8” of wet, heavy snow began to fall…
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You got that right! Your images are spot on!